The most common error encounters after fresh windows 7 installation is Error 8024402F, 8024402C “WindowsUpdate_8024402F” “WindowsUpdate_dt000”.
This error basically means the windows update is not able to access the Microsoft repository.
The solution is too simple. Error 8024402F, 8024402C is most often associated with improper name resolution.
1. Change your DNS to Google public DNS. that is and
2. Synchronize time with windows server.
3. Start update.
4. Along with this try fixing using the Microsoft fix-it tool
Steps with screen shot is given below
1. Open the network connection. click on change adapter settings
2. If you are having a direct internet connection or cable modem, right click the local area connection and select properties. Highlight TCP/IP V4 and click properties. If using a bridged connection, then right click the dial-up connection (wan miniport)
3. Select radio button ‘use the following DNS server address’. Change the DNS addresses to and
4. To synchronizing time, Click on thr clock on system tray. Select change Date and Time. select tab internet time and click on update as shown below
I cannot thank you enough. I’ve had this problem on all windows computers in my home.
After reading countless obscure forum posts as well as useless microsoft support sites it turns out this simple solution was all i needed!
Thanks for giving such info
I’ve been googling for more than a day and trying all sorts of “solutions” and I really didn’t believe yours would work because it looks so simple. But then I thought, what the heck, what else have I got to lose anyway cos a drowning man will clutch at any straw. Thank goodness I did and now the Windows Update is working! Thank you and keep up the good work!
Guy, you are a genius.
Yes!! Worked for me too! Gosh, I love it when things are easy, especially after, like everyone else, spending hours trying other things that didn’t work.
Gracias por la solucion