Paid surveys earn online from india

9. Hot Spex

This one i really liked, not because of their payments are huge. Their survey rates and payments are almost nil. Their site and survey interaction is funny. you will love to fill out informations there. They call their members innovators and their virtual money is called Bux .The bux you earned can be spend on charity or buy gifts. The minimum dollar amount available for a gift card is $10.00. There are three (3) different increment amounts available: 1100 bux for a $10 gift certificate, 1650 bux for a $15 gift certificate and 2200 bux for a $20 gift certificate. there is a hotpot where luckywinner will get half the prize and half goes to charity

It pays you $5 for registering and $0.10 to $0.25 for updating your profiles, there are around 9 profiles on various topics . so you start with $ 6. 50 and cash withdraw thresh hold is $ 35, Their average survey reward is Rs33.24 ($0.75) for a 20 minute survey. Most of the surveys are targeted to  Europe and US. Survey head is now and it keeps on changing its withdrawal threshold. earlier it was $25 which increased to $35 and as of now it is $50 for pay-pal withdrawal. And during surveys, unlike survey-savvy, they disqualifies you after completion of 25% of survey
I will say one of the best survey site. got only one survey from them in past one month. but qualified and waiting for payment of $25. they pay directly whatever you gets to your pay pal account. So register with them with your pay-pal mail ID
Rupee mail pays you for opening your mail. They sends you advertisements to your registered email. once you click the link in their mail a small amount is credited to your account. You can Redeem your earnings by Cheque any time or opt to donate your earnings to charity of your choice or  receive discount coupons and other offers of your choice

They pay you $25 for joining.

Log in frequently & Use their services, Stay subscribed to their Blog, Complete Daily Activities & Surveys, Share or apply for Job Listings
If you take the steps to keep your account active, you’ll earn a variable daily rate which will be automatically added to your PayBox account balance.
Other features are
Daily Survey,Online Shopping, Social Sharing Survey, Good Experience Survey, Bad Experience Survey
if you follow their procedures you could even win $1,000 shopping spree
But this program not yet launched, but there are generously adding up dollars to your account. But the value of their dollar is not yet decided
Just like you check your Gmail / Yahoo / Hotmail account everyday, similarly, you should make it a habit to check your Account everyday. They pay you for every unique login in 24 hours.
There are  Paid Emails which are time sensitive – so you lose your money if you do not check the email in time…
15.Aw survey 

This is a pure scam, stay away from it, along with it  stay away from adamsuccess, money bumper, socints. all these are pure scams. waste of time, They owns the site

paid Surveys, cash for playing games, reading emails. etc. Most offers are for USA

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4 thoughts on “Paid surveys earn online from india

  1. I read this article, this article very informative and interesting..
    Thanks for sharing info :))

  2. AW Surveys is in Scam list on almost all lists.
    Dont join it, It gives you surveys first day only and never pays you.

  3. AW survey is a pure scam by adam. Stay away from it, along with it stay away from adamsuccess, money bumper, socints. all these are pure scams. waste of time, They even owns the site All they do is publicizing their own referrer links and sites

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