Setting up sundirect for measat 3. Do it Yourself

Do it yourself satellite change of sundirect
After waiting for a long time and repeated unsuccessful  contact with customer care and dealer, finally I decided to change the Dish direction and satellite settings for sun direct myself. here is the step by step procedure to change and setup sun direct for new satellite measat 3
Initial Preperation
For sun direct setup, first Visit the site for finding out the required azimuth and elevation for your dish in your location. screen shot of the site is given here, check for the marked area. Azimuth is the direction clock wise from North (90 deg is East, 180 deg is South, 270 deg is West, 0 or 360 deg is North) and elevation is movement in vertical plane (0 deg LNB is parallel to ground and 90 deg is LNB pointing upward). For major cities azimuth and elevation could be obtained from
What is Azimuth and Elevation
Digital Television At Home: Satellite, Cable And Over-The-Air: Using, Controlling And Understanding Digital Tv Technologies
Find azimuth and elevation for your place, it will calculate your location as per your IP address

It would be better to check azimuth and elevation for Insat 4b at, from where sun direct moved to Measat 3. Now you can see the difference in azimuth and elevation for both satellite. Normally difference in azimuth is 3.3 degree Clock wise and 2 degree up for elevation

Before adjusting the satellite, first switch on the TV and set top box, press menu and go to insatallation. (This metod is almost same for all set top boxes, here I am using Coship)
Menu setup page
Advanced setup page
1. Select advanced installation using left and down key of remote.
2. Select first satellite and rename it by pressing the blue button on remote (optional)
3. Press yellow button on remote for TP edit
4. Delete all transponders in the list using blue button (optional)
5.Enter frequency as 12316, symbol rate 30000 and polarity horizontal. If now you are getting quality above 20 you will be able to receive channels without dish adjustment. if quality is zero or less than 20%, Keep the TV and set top box on and ask some one to watch the screen for ‘quality bar’.
( I recommend you to put a mark awith paint or marker on the dish as shown below for reverting back, if you are not succeeding in aligning to measat 3)

6. Change the direction of the Dish as per the parameters described in First section. As a thumb of rule just loosen the Nuts under the dish a little and move the Dish direction 3 degrees clock wise (just 1- 2 Cms away from North). Lift the dish (tip of LNB) up by 2 degree again around 2 cm movement. Mean while your attender should be monitoring the quality bar and if there is any movement adjust the dish for best quality. You should get quality more than 70 % and you may get upto 87% ( Even though you may receive channels for quality as less as 20 %, try for above 50%.Better the quality better the video and audio)

Transponder (TP) editing page

7. Tighten the nuts where the quality is maximum.

8. get down from the roof, (you had done a wonderful job). take the remote press green button to add the TP. The data we entered has been updated and you get a new entry for editing. Keep on entering all the following data’s one by one. That is enter the frequency, symbol rate and polarization one by one, pressing green button after entering each set.
9. make sure after entering polarization you should get some signal strength in quality bar. If you are not getting any quality percentage, try changing polarity or symbol rate (standard symbol rates for measat sun direct are 30000, 27500, 19500 and 20000)
Transponder data for feeding
1. Enter this data first, if you have not followed the step above frequency 12316, symbol rate 30000, polarity Horizontal. press green button to add next transponder.
2. Now enter the following data one by one. keep pressing green button after entering every data set for saving it.
·         Frequency – Symbol rate – Polarity
·         12436 – 30000 – Horizontal
·         12597 – 19500 – Horizontal
·         12615 – 10000 – Horizontal
·         12643 – 30000 – Horizontal
·         12434 – 30000 – Horizontal
·         12523 – 27500 – Vertical
·         12563 – 27500 – Vertical
·         12603 – 27500 – Vertical
·         12643 – 27500 – Vertical
·         12723 – 27500 – Horizontal
·         12683 – 27500 – Horizontal
For all vertical transponders feed it again in horizontal with symbol rate 30000
If any of the transponder shown above is not showing any quality strength, try changing symbol rate to 20000 or 30000
Final Setup
Now after entering all data press exit once to get out of data feeding page.
select all transponders one by one and press ok on remote (centre button), a tick mark will appear next to transponder. Then press red button on remote to search.
You will get a list of channels. press exit togo back. Set top box will restart if not try upgrading software menu, or switch off and switch on set top box. Set top box will automatically update the software, which will take around 5 – 10 minutes.
Now click menu, select installation and press ok
you will see signal and quality bars, press red button for starting scan. save and exit
Congratulation now you are done.
In case any thing gone wrong or you are not successful and lost whatever you were getting, Don’t panic. Simply select factory restore. Then go to installation and scan

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Alappuzha, Venice of India

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146 thoughts on “Setting up sundirect for measat 3. Do it Yourself

  1. I tried to establish connection by 1st 5 steps, but i received strength up to 70%, but quality was between 40-60…. Signal or updates gets interrupted often… do i need to change the direction of the dish ?

  2. hi dear…. thanks for your info…. I tried your procedure but my STB is homecast SN9000IR… which doesn't support those features to update or change your TP settings..

    so here are the steps to go ahead with home cast SN9000IR STB

    1.Do the factory reset
    2.Again go to factory reset and don't press ok. instead of OK press 7799
    3.New window will come
    4.In that screen move to last line LOAD CHANNEL then press ok it will show please wait
    5.Then go to manual scan
    6.Now u can able to edit home TP with 12316 Horizontal and freq rate 30000 code 5/6
    7.Start scan
    8.U will get measat 3 channels

    I have tried this and working fine now….

  3. Hi suraj,
    I tried your steps.I have changed the direction of dish following your instruction.In the final step I am facing some problems.If i select all transponders and click on scan, the scan is automatically get crashed and goto info channel.But if I am selecting first transponder,I am getting 172 channels.After sometime software upgrade starts,which is taking too much time and getting failed and restart upgrade again.Do you have any idea about this.I am already fed up with calling the customer care

  4. if your system is restarting while upgrading. switch off the settop box. remove the card. reinsert the card. now switch on and try upgrading. let us know if problem solved

  5. sir my set top box not edit the frequency and not remame the sattelite my set top box SN9000IR and I have factory restore but reciever automatically reinstall insat4b 93.5e so sir please help me this problem.

  6. in UAE MTv,jaya plus,setmax channel is not coming, what can i do to get, another one how to change the frquency,symbol rate in homecast receiver. its not possible to change through remote

  7. sir iam not able to do this viswanadh instruction my homecastSN9000IR. when I go to factory restoe and where press 7799 because receiver only to option Yes or No to default restoration. sir my last time comment 23 2010 10:16pm

  8. Hi Sir,
    Do the new measat-3 signals for sun dth has coverage in Qatar? My reception was ok before and i lost most of the channels in Qatar after moving to measat-3. I want to confirm about the coverage before trying the adjustments. Please clarify.

  9. quoted from Viswanath's comment so here are the steps to go ahead with home cast SN9000IR STB

    1.Do the factory reset
    2.Again go to factory reset and don't press ok. instead of OK press 7799
    3.New window will come
    Read carefully, donot press OK

  10. Sirs: When I did a factory reset on my Coship STB supplied by SunDirect people, all the Satellite Names had disappeared. Only one name which I had fed in is appearing. No facility to input new satellite name also is not there. How to get all those satellite names? Earlier the osd was showing Insat4 etc. That name is replaced by MeaSat as input by me. Please help.

  11. thank you suraj, now i set the fequency and i got all channel list, but Mtv, channel V, jaya tv, set max, those channels are not coming in UAE, what can i do to get all channel

  12. Dear Suraj thanks for searching new sattelite measat3. Now all the transponder available in this direction and we are seeing all tthe chanels in this direction. Once again thanks for help me to this problem. This is a good platform to setting the new sattelite all of the sun direct subscriber to do it yourself.

  13. @syed, Have you entered all the transponder details. (it is normally not required, if after aligning, the set top box is automatically updated)apart from 12316 – 30000 – Horizontal, feed all the frequencies given above, If it is not showing in your settop box menu. If any of the transponder shown above is not showing any quality strength, try changing symbol rate to 20000 or 30000. Double check polarity.

  14. @SAS3, If you reset set top box before setting it up for measat3, all the settings will be restored for Insat. If you already aligned dish and settop box is updated automatically, You will not get insat details. it will be resetted for measat. remove and reinsert card then switch on and try resetting

  15. sorry suraj, i having all the TP value in Advance installation, but then also i m getting signal properly, i m getting all the channel, only few channel signal is very low, in 12316 h 30000 i m getting sigal 70% quality 44% in 12597 h 27500, 12563 h 30000 get signal 70% quality 25-30%. so only MTv,setmax,neo cricket, channel v, all those channel is not going for me, what can i do to get those of my friend told me its a sundirect party problem just wait they will clear the problem soon, and insat 4b serivce is not stop till now, after they stopped the service we will get all channel clear, like that he said. when that insat4b service should stop, sorry to distrubing pls help me

  16. forgot to tell one thing, one month before i got setmax,sahara one, those channel clear, but 20days before only i m not getting signal for those channel properly, like that one day 12 clock india time, 12316 h 30000 full signal is gone, at that time mtv,channel v, bbc world came clear, after that morning again these channel signal gone, now i said what are problem i faced, very please clarify my problem, tech also tell after they stop service in insat 4b that only we get all channel propely, whether its correct.

  17. @syed if you are getting and average signal quality above 55% and all the transponder data is updated, then the problem is from Sundirect

  18. thank you, what can i do to get above 55%, do u know when they will solve this problem, when i will get all the channel propely,

  19. i called to tech to allign the dish, he tell this much amount only quality will come, after in sundirect side problem clear we will get full signal, is it correct. i having doubt whether is it possible to get 80-90% quality will get in UAE, i m using 6 feet dish.

  20. ok thank you so much for u cooperation and clarify my doubt,i spend lot of money for this sundirect,then also not getting correctly,so only upset every thing is waste its ok suraj, once again thanks. bye…

  21. dear sir we are set the new direction for measat sattelite and also automatically update new software my home cast sn9000IR and now all chanels search but some free preview chanels are not search and not in list such as 9x,9xm news24, enter10, azad news,etc. so plz solve this problem sir.

  22. sundirect is not yet fully migrated to measat3. Once the migration issue settles you eill get all the channels, Check your transponder list and confirm all frequencies are added
    @syed you get an average signal quality strength of 55% in middle east. maximum till date in my knowledge is 67%

  23. ok thank you so much suraj, i will try to set quality 55%, did u know when they will migrated to measat3 fully. do u know the date

  24. Hi,
    Mine is a samsung STB, i tried changing the settings of home transponder . Default Network ID is 00018, I tried changing the values of freq to 12316 ,sym rate to 30000 and polarization to horizontal. With these settings , signal strength was 65% .I could see one channel (Gemini movies) that was stopped after satellite change. How ever many other channels were not found. I could not understand how to deal with step 2 on my STB, how can I add data of remaining transponders, looks like there is only one transponder setting on Samsung STB. Any Ideas about this? BTW am not able to down load samsung manual from the provided link, looks there is some issue with the website.
    Thanks in advance,

  25. another one help suraj, actually my friend using coship receiver, in that one my friend before setting the receiver he select factory restore, after that all the satellite name is delete then its showing only one satellite name, for that he set manually set a frequency and rename has a measat3, then getting signal, but what this the problem means he want all satellite name before how he got, so pls tell to get that one once again, whether is it possible to upgrade the software

  26. no suraj, i m not want to get back for old insat signal, just i m telling u, before set a dish my friend select the factory restore option,after that in advance installation all the satellite name should be deleted,eg:arabsat,hotbird,so i m asking u can how to get back again that satellite names once again, it is possible

  27. Suraj,

    Thanks the detailed post. After following these procedure, I got strength 68% and Quality 100% in in 12316 H 30000 but I am not getting few channels like DD national(for India Vs NZ cricket) and Jaya TV. I dont have manual feeding option for other frequencies. Mine is Samsung STB.

    Do I need to change anything.

  28. Once you adjusted for measat and feeded the transponder fr 12316, restart the settopbox. the software will automatically updates for measat and all transponder list automatically loads

  29. hi suraj,another one help, my friend using sundirect receiver,he not used for long 4 month,after i given idea to him to set a dish, now signal is getting,software also update, but all the channel showing has a service is currently scrambled,what can i do to get

  30. now he adjust dish in measat3,tamil basic pack is activate, validity date 1/1/2011, showing has service is currently scrambled

  31. Hi Suraj/Vishwanath,

    Thanks a lot guys for your help. It was really a good experience to do some technical stuff ourself. (Obviously with your support). Thanks a lot once again guys. Good Work.


  32. hello suraj,friday my uncle sundirect samsung receiver start update, but from two days to till now its update in process, what can i do to update completely. nothing can i able to access

  33. no syed, something is wrong. update should not take more than 5 minutes. (it depends on signal quality). If it takes more than 30 mins. check dish alignment, and restart.

  34. ok suraj, i having one doubt, if i change the smartcard in other sundirect receiver means it will work. why i m asking u means i already said u for me raj tv,setmax,sony those channel is not coming in coship, samsung receiver, samsung receiver is having a problem, so remove the smartcard from samsung and insert in homedeck its working, all channel getting me clear, what is the problem in coship,samsung receiver,why it is not getting in this receiver, like that coship smartcard inside in homedeck its not working, how is it possible.

  35. Hi,
    Thanks for the information. My setup box is home cast SN9000IR and i have realigined as above mentioned. I can see a gree tick mark on info channel aswell. But still I can see only 3 channels in my pacakage. I am using south malayalam package. Can you pls help.


  36. Sir, I am using opentech stb. But unable to edit the parameters.After pressing menu, i have gone to installation and then edit tp.Then unable to edit the parameters.Green colour key on the remote is not opening any new window.Only red colour key is highlighted. Kindly advice

  37. Thank you Suraj,
    I realigned successfully.At first after re-alignment upgrading software was failing.Then we guessed it was due to signal quality(40-45%).Now again realigned slightly to get quality of 75-80%.Now Upgrade was finished perfectly.We are getting almost all channels.

  38. Hi Suraj, it worked great. I am getting a signal strength of 85 – 90 %. Thanks a lot for your step by step instructions. I would recommend the same steps for my friends too. I can pass on your URL for guidance.


  39. Hi Suraj,

    Thx for all the info..

    Realigned the dish and getting only few 3 channels.. Many times, it says "Locking Signal" Update Software.. This keep on doing..

  40. Hello suraj,

    Great site man, lot of info, thanks. after i did factory defaults, the display is "e50-32 no service available" and the display is 8888. any idea?

  41. Hi Suraj,
    I have Samsung DSB-B580R receiver. I gone the through the manual which you have mentioned above. Its not mentioning about how to set the Freq and all.
    Kindly help me.
    In the Transponder menu I am getting below options.

    Network ID: 00018
    Frequency (MHz): 11030 (changed to 12316)
    Symbol Rate: 27500 (changed to 30000)
    LO low (MHz): 09750
    HI high (MHz): 10600
    Polarisation: Vertical (Changed to horizontal)
    Position: A

    By changing about details I am getting 0% strength.

    Could you please tell me what for Network ID, LO low, HI high and Position?


  42. Hi Suraj, Saif here, further to my previous post regarding "e50-32 no service available" and the display is 8888, i would like to tell you that I did delete all the transponders and added one by one, the signal is bad and scan could not find any channels. is my problem because there are no channels in the system? I hope to see your reply as I am a newbie in the dish setup. by the way my box is coship and the firmware is updated.

  43. coship receiver waste it not receiving signal properly, so i changed my received to homecast, now i m getting all the channel,only HD channel is not getting to me.

  44. First of all thanks to you all for encouraging comments. @ Samsung user, you need not worry about network ID. after entering the Fr, Symbol rate etc. you have to physically Adjust the Dish (follow the steps described in the main post).

    @Saif "e50-32 no service available" means your STB is blocked. Solution is to upgrade the software (firmware). If you could edit the TP and Frequency in advanced settings, Edit it and enter the main frequency (12316) and its associated parameters, align the dish and restart the STB. Software will automatically updated.
    If its not possible get it manually updated from sundirect dealer.

    @syed, have you subscribed for HD channels. Any way if you are not using a full HD TV, the HD channels will not make any difference.

  45. @ RPS, The software update is failing because your signal quality is less. adjust the dish for better signal quality, then update software (By restarting).

  46. Dear Suraj,

    Thank you very much for starting this thread. I have been trying to contact Sundirect for the past 2 months. No response. I could do it myself based on your guidance and Mr. Viswanath's. I will try to spread this message and all the credit goes to you people.


  47. for open tech:
    >press Menu and select installation.
    >Select Edit TP, press OK.
    >Press Green button on the remote (add new TP)
    >New TP screen will be displayed
    >Edit following the seyup options above.
    >select OK
    >now adjust dish for signal quality displayed on top.
    >Press Red button on the remote for Searching.
    save and exit

    For STB OFS1700
    Sure you can set the box for STB OFS1700CIR.

    After aligning to Measat3 don't reset to factory settings, before editing TP.
    If you already done it, align back to Insat 4b, do factory reset and restart settopbox.
    Then follow all the steps mentioned in the post

  48. Dear Suraj,
    I have Samsung STB. Before 3 months, I adjusted my STB to the new parameters ;12316 , 30000 etc. Till recently, we were able to view most of the channels but since,last 2-weeks channels were going out one by one. After, going through the posts in this forum, I tried to re-adjust my STB yesterday. Unfortunately,now nothing is coming on my TV except the massage E50-32 , No service is available.Please note that when I click on CA status, it gives the message: please insert smartcard, even though the smartcard is there. I removed the smartcard, cleaned, re-inserted and restarted the STB but the same message is appearing. I am confused now. Please Help. Jayanta/ Bahrain

  49. For samsung STB, 1st align the dish using any other STB (borrow from a friend). once you are getting channels in that STB, fix the dish in that position and replace STB with samsung STB. now try factory default resetting

  50. Thanks Suraj for your valued advice. I have Samsung STB. I have reset to the new parameters such as 12316, 30000 etc and adjusted the dish direction. Now all the free channels are coming on my tv but the channels like NDTV, ZEE CINEMA, ZEE BANGLA, SET MEX are not coming. When I checked the signal status,the set top box shows the following information:


    Signal Strength : 62%
    Signal Quality = 100%
    Locked = yes
    Frequency = 11610 mhz
    Symbol rate = 30000 ksym/s
    LNB Overload = No
    I dont understand still why ZEE BANGLA is not showing on my tv.

    Kindly help.



  51. @jayanta, confirm you entered following values. 12436 – 30000 – Horizontal
    check sundirect site for your addon validity (it could have expired.. If everything is fine wait till Jan 1st, for the migration to be completed

  52. Dear Suraj,
    From today no channels are coming on tv here in Bahrain. But I can still see the following details for most of the channels (free or pay channel )when I check the signal status:

    Strength = 60%, Quality = 100%,Locked = Yes, Frequency = 11030 Mhz (this reading varies from channel to channel), Symbol Rate = 27500 ksym/s, LNB Overload = No.

    I checked with 12436-30000, but it is still not working. Also, I tried with the other combinations as stated above, but no result.

    In addition, from today the STB is showing " E-04 -4 Please insert smartcard" even though I have not touched/removed the smartcard before.

    Please help.


    Jayanta / Bahrain

  53. From today no channels are coming on tv also in Hyderabad, India.

    I entered following settings and also scanned.
    Frequency – Symbol rate – Polarity
    · 12436 – 30000 – Horizontal
    · 12597 – 19500 – Horizontal
    · 12615 – 10000 – Horizontal
    · 12643 – 30000 – Horizontal
    · 12434 – 30000 – Horizontal
    · 12523 – 27500 – Vertical
    · 12563 – 27500 – Vertical
    · 12603 – 27500 – Vertical
    · 12643 – 27500 – Vertical
    · 12723 – 27500 – Horizontal
    · 12683 – 27500 – Horizonta

    Still Sattilite showing as INSAT. An I missing something?

  54. Well it could be a temporary problem, what the customer care is saying?. @jayantha may be your card is blocked. Put the card in someone else's STB and check. (what about a factory upgrade)

  55. Suraj,
    Thanks for your prompt response. But sorry, from yesterday afternoon, signal is zero. I suspect whether we will be able to get the signal from Measat here in Bahrain even though we were getting signal before from Insat with a 6' dish.
    In my Samsung STB, there is no option like Factory Upgrade. The software option is there but it is inactive.

    Is anyone from GCC getting the signal? Please let us know.



  56. Dear Suraj,

    I am from Ras Tanura, Saudi arabia and i was getting a very good signal and all the channels very coming till they strted moving to the new satellite. I was using Samsung DSB-B580R & 2.1 mt( white color dish). From Tuesday 12/21/2010 no channels are coming and i tried to input these frequencies & then signal strength is coming to 0. Is it possible to get the signal from Measat with the same dish by adjusting or should i go for a big 2.4 mt(8ft) dish?
    If i can get the signal with the same dish, on what direction should i adject from the current position. I got these values from the site u mantioned. Elevation 35 and Azimuth 116.75.

    Thanks for your help..


  57. Suraj,
    Just ten minutes before I was trying to adjust the dish. I managed to get signal strength = 56% and quality 5% (sometimes up to 12%)but the signals are not stable. Do you think we will still be able to get required signal here in Bahrain ? My dish is approx 160cm.



  58. Suraj,

    The information you have provided was very much useful to me. With the help of this I myself did all the adjustments and the I am watching the TV channels in my TV now. I tried many times with the SUN DTH call center numbers. But there was no response in action. Your inputs really helped me a lot. Thanks a ton.

    Subramanian M

  59. hi Suraj, I m from Bahrain, the number is not useful, he try to cheat the people, pls dont call this number……..
    Suraj, can u suggest some thing for opentech ofs 1700 cir set top box upgrade……..


  60. Once you done the alignment and settings for measat. Then the first restarting of STB automatically initiates S/w update.

  61. I have a ofs1700cir sun dth box. Just now, I successfully finished the installation.

    This procedure worked for me.

    Edited the tp, under menu -> installation. Added the entries 12316H30000 and 12683H27500 in the begining… system rebooted and came back…. Do a complete channel search. I am able to see all the channels now.

  62. Sir, I am having Set up Box. 4 days back i got realigned by dealer. but since then it showing" RETURNING TO DOWNLOADING STREAMS!. PLEASE WAIT"..after a while " NO FIRMWARE FOUND".within few seconds…the process repeats. this problem persists since 4 days..cant watch any channels what to do. ( Frequency 12316 H 30000). please help

  63. @nanda, what is your signal quality. The failure of firmware update is because of mis aligned dish (99.6%). align the dish for better signal quality and restart STB

  64. dear suraj, the same problem i am facing as described above by nanda. May signal quality 100% abd strength is 64-70%. it is changing time to time. If i try to change alignment then quality becomes 0 and strangth also become 0.

  65. Dear Suraj/Viswanath,

    Thanks for the gr8 post. I am using SN9000IR STB and tried editing the TP using follwing procedure but I am not getting any new screen.

    Any idea?

    1.Do the factory reset
    2.Again go to factory reset and don't press ok. instead of OK press 7799
    3.New window will come.

    Thanks in advance,

  66. Hi Srinivas,

    you are right… the procedure which is written by me is for the STB, which doesn't accept any change in manual scan & Dish settings under Installation sub menu….

    (Earlier my STB was not accepting the same….. Hence I followed the said procedure and it worked…)

    But after upgrading my software.. it is accepting to change my frequency & rest all details in manual scan under installation sub menu…
    No need to go for factory reset and all….
    basically these settings permission is given by the software. if your software may be upgraded already…

    Please try… your STB, may be accepting to take the frequency & rest all data in manual scan option itself…

    if not please revert back….

  67. Dear Suraj,
    Yesterday I did default factory setting on my Samsung STB (Frequency 11030, Symbol Rate 27500). It showed signal strength 60%, quality 90%. When I clicked the channel installation, it showed 190 TV channels and some radio channels. I saved that but except the info channel (001), no other channels were coming.
    Could you please advise if something can be got from this.

    Jayanta / Bahrain

  68. Suraj,
    Unfortunately the software update option is not active in my STB. My friend has connected his STB with my Dish and he is viewing all the free channels but my TV is not showing anything except channel 001. The other channels when I clicked, showing the signal/quality which are good but TV screen remains blank.

    I am really confused now.



  69. Hi Suraj,
    I had sun direct sn9000ir receiver. & I want to change it to the new satellite please tell me about that satellite, mean satellite name, symbol rate, polarity, frequency etc…& steps[i followed 5 steps of Viswanadh]. & One more thing how to upgrade it's software ? Now it is showing "E37-32 Service Unknown"

  70. Satellite name is measat 3, Please Read the main post for frequencies and polarity. it is same for all STBs. Have you physically aligned the dish for new satellite. Follow the procedure and align it first. After successful aligning, feeding of data and searching, when u restart the STB software will automatically gets updated

  71. Hi Suraj,
    My dish not aligned now but friend's dish [sun direct] is already aligned can i connect to it and take new data ? [tell me procedure.]
    I tried your procedure but i can't able to edit the satellite name as MEASAT 3, except this every thing can be changeable. By default the satellite name remaining as 93.5 E Insat 4B.

    Thankssssssssssssssssssss for suggestion

  72. You need not to change the name, let the name be anything. Just feed the polarity, frequency etc, search for channels, save exit and reboot. software will automatically updated

  73. hi suraj, I am from uae.
    We did change the direction of dish, put the new freq, polarity etc.
    But I have a problem. The STB keeps on searching for updates – new firmware. At times it says no new firmware and in a few seconds again goes for update search!!.
    or at times it search starts the download of new firmware but gets stuck in between. I tried waiting for hours!.
    The signal strength is around 60% and quality 100%.
    Is there any option for cancelling the update?.
    Is there any option to update through computer?.
    My stb is samsung.

  74. Firmware update fail, when the dish is not properly aligned. Align the dish (fine tune it). Then restart. You can update the software by giving the STB to customer care. No other options are currently available.

  75. Sir iam using sundireect's SN9000IR STB and i could not able to edit the frequncy and the satlite from insat 4b to measat 3 and i have followed the steps you had given. By giving 7799 in the factory reset i can't see any window pls help me

  76. sir,i am a sun direct user-STB model SN9000IR.I updated my stb & my box's setting was blocked so that i could'n change satellite & it's frequency,pls hlp me

  77. Dear Suraj, Its wonderful see so much of help u provide on this matter. I am Gopi from Bahrain. I connected my Sun Box with Big TV aligned with dish & 12316-30000=H & was getting some channels. (Samsung DSB-B580R)Suddenly from 1 Jan nothing is seen. I tried to reset & reinstall. In the channel installation signal locked shows NO. I dont know where the prbm is? Pls help.

  78. Big TV is also fed from measat3 but frequency is different, they use base frequency 12523, Any way if you are getting no signal, either your card is blocked, which could be unblocked by sun direct customer care only, or wait for 2 days, It could be just the transitional problem

  79. dear Suraj

    I have this Samsung STB, got alighned and set to 30000 & 12523. very few channels(kaligner TV, jaya,Jaya plus, makkal, podigai, few more) visible, ifi change to others it channel comes for few seconds, immediatly after its look for frimware update..and say no new firmware avaialable..and these process keeps on repeating what to do, to see all channels.

  80. Nanda, Firmware update has to be finished successfully. Its failing because dish is not properly aligned, first remove and reinsert smart card. try restarting and wait for 5-20 min for update to finish. if it takes longer time adjust dish for better signal quality. @thomas you have to take the settop box to either a local agent or customer care.

  81. Great thread!. But, I saw this a little late. All channels stopped working lately and I rotated the dish first by looking at my neighbor's dish which is working. I am trying to follow the instructions given here but not able to edit the Dish settings. I try the left and right navigation buttons and number pad to change the settings but for no luck. Any ideas what's wrong. As always SunDirect customer care s***s

  82. what is the make of STB, For SN9000 try the solution in Viswanath's comment. Otherwise tune it for insat and do a factory reset, if possible.

  83. I followed Viswanath's instructions and was able to edite the settings.. Thanks for that 🙂 But, noticed that the satellite has been set as "HotBird" by default and is not finding any channel. I edited dish settings and manually chose "91.5E Ku-Measat 1" and set tp as 12316H 30000 5/6 and also tried some other combinations. But, still no luck. It keeps saying "Nothing to Update" when I search. 🙁

  84. Rajani, First of all the photos in your blog are really nice. "Nothing to Update" means the signal quality is less. Name of the satellite doesn't make any difference, key in the values and adjust dish for a quality above 60%. After that search for channel, save and restart. STB firmware will be automatically updated and new satellite list will be available

  85. Thanks Suraj for your kind words. Yea I am a photographic hobbiest and maintain a flickr stream at . Btw, I will try adjusting the dish again. I have two progress/signal bars in the dish menu – first one is currently showing above 60% but the second one is not showing anything at all.. I guess you are talking about the second one.

  86. Dear Suraj you said before adjusting the satellite, first switch on the TV and set top box, press menu and go to insatallation. My SUN DIRECT setbox mentions on the front SUN DIRECT Digital Satellite MPEG4 Reciever SN9000IR and as mentioned when press menu and go to Installation it says Dish / Auto scan / Manual scan. No advanced installation message. The main menu options are Installation / Options / Channels / Advanced / Status. What do I do.

  87. Mohan, I also have the SN9000IR stb and the steps to configure are different for this odd box. Please follow the instructions given by Viswanadh in this thread.

  88. Suraj, I tried rotating the dish to get the best signal strength I could (72) and repeated the scan. And that worked it tuned all channels this time and prompted for upgrade. But, it confused me for sometime as all channels were showing 'scrambled'. But, as I left the STB on for some time it just started working all of a sudden. All my subscribed channels are viewable now. Thank you very much for sharing this info!

  89. I did the procedure Viswanadh suggested and am able get some channels. Now I need to align the dish. I am at one end of UAE so we get weak signals here. However right now I am getting some of the channels particularly DD ones ; does this mean with a more fine tuning of the dish position I can get the full bouquet ?

  90. If you could get a quality strength of above 25 (not signal strength – Signal strength indicates you are in right path)you should get most of the channels. Ask your friends what is the average signal quality they are getting. Once you get above 30% fix the dish in the position and try aligning by tapping (gentle strokes)

  91. dear suraj my stb SN9000IR and we are aleready adjust the dish measat3 now the name sattelite to update new software to measat3 instead new name sattelite sundirect. But suraj we are some free perview chanels9x,news24,enter10,9xm are not seeing and signal strenth main frequency 12316H 30000 is 80% some frequency is signal 0% just like 11038H 30000 etc. please solve whats the problem…….?

  92. Hi, Suraj
    My setup box is OFS1700CIR. i am not able to change the TP. my location is Saudi Arabia, I have changed the direction of my Dish to new direction. currently there is no any channels in my setuo box. how can i edit the TP in my set up box
    Please reply to me as soon as possible

  93. hi suraj bhai mere paas sundirect sn9000ir receiver hai naya sattilite measat3 change kardiya hu software upgrade hogaya hai mai iss receiver may general nilesat hotbird channel dekhna chahata hu leken abhi bas eke sattilte dekharahahi please kuch bathaheye suraj bhai thankyou

  94. Hi, Suraj
    My setup box is OFS1700CIR. i am not able to change the TP. my location is Saudi Arabia, I have changed the direction of my Dish to new direction. currently there is no any channels in my setuo box. how can i edit the TP in my set up box
    Please reply to me as soon as possible

  95. Hello Sir,
    I have sundirect setup box SN9000IR.I have lost all channal data.I have followed your advice to reset my setup box.But did factory default reset and again did the same,then did not press ok,intead of ok ihave pressed 7799 nothing happend.I did't see any new window there.Already i have set my dish to Measat.Please help me sir,i'm in qatar.

  96. Hello sir,
    I have COSHIP Sundirect setup box.I have lost all channal data.I couldn't change new Measat friquency.My Dish already alaigned to Measat.Now my Measat dish i'm using for Big TV .That is working fine.But i want sundirect so please help me sir.

  97. Hello Sir,
    Yesterday i have post question regarding sundirect setup box upgrade.SN9000IR model, today i have seen youtube video regarding the same.Successfully i have done,used to factory default reset and again the same and, i have pressed 7799 instead of ok.Thank you for helping me and people like me.

    But i have COSHIP setup box that i couldn't do please help me sir.

  98. Thanks john, For sharing the information. If you cannot edit the transponder, try aligning back to insat 4b, then do a factory reset. If its not working your settop box requires software up gradation. A service-center can do it

  99. Hello Suraj kumar Sir,
    You are doing great job,Thank you for helping me and people like me.I think so many people getting benefit from your advice.

  100. Hello Suraj,
    I am Narendra I went through the comments in this post but it did not help me. Looking at the comments it looks like you have lot of knowledge in setting sundirect DTH and I hope you can help me.
    I am in Bahrain, as you know the foot print for Measat3 in GCC is low so we have to go for 8feet dish, for Insat 4B 6feet was enough. I am getting a signal strength of 100% & signal quality of 55-57%.
    Recently I brought this new sundirect HD STB Samsung DSB-5090R. I am getting all the SD channels in excellent quality but when I switch to HD channels then the message comes as “E48-32, No signal (check cable)” without any picture. Also some SD channels like star utsav also give the same message. The maximum signal quality we get is 57% the same dish with previous SD STB was showing 86% signal quality. I did not need to change the settings with the new Samsung STB as it came with the settings you have explained and also recent software version is installed.
    Now do the HD channels need more signal quality? I heard that the HD channels are still in Insat 4B is there any TP setting required? Any solution for this please advise. Thank you

  101. Dear Suraj you said before adjusting the satellite, first switch on the TV and set top box, press menu and go to insatallation. My SUN DIRECT setbox mentions on the front SUN DIRECT Digital Satellite MPEG4 Reciever SN9000IR and as mentioned when press menu and go to Installation it says Dish / Auto scan / Manual scan. No advanced installation message. The main menu options are Installation / Options / Channels / Advanced / Status. What do I do

  102. Hello Surajkumar sir,
    i have sundirect reciver SN9000IR.i want to set any another satellite for this reciver.How it is possible.Insat2E,Nilesat,and hotbird.Sir please tell me, how to do.

  103. hi suraj can u help me pls i am using sun tv receiver in europe and i cannot able to get astra satelite in the satelite. can u tel me how to get?

  104. hi Suraj, I am using Sun Direct Receiver (samsung). I have change the TP Settings and I am getting Good Strength 83% and Quality. And when I go to Channel Installation and Search it loads 170 Channels and some Radio channels and ask me to Save it. After I click Save it automatically takes to Downloaded steams and Esteemed time for the same is 128 Seconds and restarts and shows the Downloads Status with Progress Bar ( goes to some 70% and Stuck) I did by removing the card etc some option you specified in the Post. Do you think its Still the alignment with the dish.

  105. Dear Mr.Suraj,
    I have one SunDTH SN9000IR. I have set it with Factory Default. But It cannot be programmed again. I want it to be used for Door darshan DTH or any other FTA services instead of SUNDTH useless services. Can I program it again? I have another Chinese made general purpose STB which can be programmed as you desire. Please give me next step to what to do with SUNDTH STB SN9000IR? This STB has a USB port at rear. -Mr. Varghese, New Delhi=''

  106. Hi Mr. Suraj,

    I read the contents at your suggested http. According to them (published in 2008)SUNDTH STB SN9000IR cannot be used for other FTA. Now you please suggest how can I retrive SUN DTH SN9000IR to its original position to get SUNDTH programs as I have reset it to factory default.

  107. no problem. Follow the step by step instructions. make sure signal quality is above 60 (not signal strength). after editing TP and saving the details, your stb software will automatically be updated.

  108. No channels were coming in Sun Direct. If I go to Guide (in the remote), select a channel and enter it will work. Later, I have done Auto scan and saved. Then all the channels started working. But when I switch off TV switch and Sun Dish switch and then switch on, again the same problem. Again I have to Auto scan and save. Is there any solution please ?

  109. when you restart the software is supposed to be automatically updated, check the signal quality strength. Once the software is updated your problem will be sorted out

  110. Hi Suraj,

    I have the below Scenrio. Request your help in where i am doing wrong.

    I have a Tatasky Mini Dish i want to use with Sun direct stb. It was not recharged for 6 Months and yesterday i recharged and customer care confirmed the same account is active. I am doing the below steps.

    1. Connect Sun direct STB.
    2. Apart from Predefined list of Satellites, i see now Newsat01, newsat02 etc on the List.
    3. Selecting Newsat01 Satellite and Adding TP.
    4. Now the TP Values are 00000. Singal Streght 87% Siganl Quality 80%
    5. I am Adding new TP. 12316 H 30000. Now the Signal Stregh 87% Singal Quality 0%
    6. Now Realigning the Dish to Measat 91.5.
    7. Singal Stregh is 70% and Signal Quality: 0%
    8. Adjusting dish .. Singal Stregh Vaires from 65 % 70% but no Singal Quality.

    I have tried this several times, but still i dont get any Siganl Qulity with Sun direct apart from the Signal Strenght. I am not sure where i am doing wrong.. but totally dissatisfied.

    Please help.

  111. I think it is not aligned properly, signal quality is the important aspect, and you get it in a very narrow angle, while signal strength remains good for wide angle. so re align for better sinal quality

  112. Dear Mr. Suraj.

    We are in UAE and using Sundirect Samsung DSB-B580R receiver for long.But due to change in Satellite we are not getting any channel through the above receiver.We are usinng centralised dish for all the flats in our building.
    As per the above quotes, I changed the Home transponder setting as follows.
    Network ID=18
    Symbol Rate=30000
    LO Low=9750
    Lo High=10600
    LNB Power =On

    While installing channel, I can see the following
    Signal strenght=45-47%
    After 10% the menu is getting skipped to advanced action without completing full scaning.
    So I am unable to complete the channel intallation. What could be the reason?

    Can u please advise me what to do next.

    Please help us.

    Thanks & Regards.


  113. Hi suraj,

    We are in UAE and using Sundirect Samsung DSB-B580R receiver.after a long time we tried to get the signal in new satellite(measat).we are getting power in the range of 45% and quality 65%.After changing with new frequencies in transponder settings the receiver was trying to upgrade the software and stopping with a message NO NEW FIRMWARE!.how can i upgrade new firmware????

  114. samsung stb seems like ,its locked to the new transponder in mesasat,even if i give any other home tp option (big tv) its not scanning,any ideas?

  115. hai suraj. is it possible for Sun direct to work in malaysia. will u there is only Astro.i will receive the receiver this weekend. i have no idea how to tune the dish.can u explain how it is?

  116. My sun dth reflecting a massage is no channel installed please scan first. So how can solve the problem. And only 4 dotted lines are getting in set up box. Please give reply about it as soon as possible

  117. Hi i have bought a sun direct set, i am using 90cm dish with universal lnb, i would like to know the nearest sat to be used in Malaysia to get the signal

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